October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Combined Properties staff is decked out in our pink shirts and jeans today, doing our part to raise awareness and funds in support of a cure. Today’s cause hits especially close to home for Combined Properties, as it does for so many. In a gesture of solidarity, the pink ladies of Combined Properties stand united, donating the monies raised today to Lee National Denim Day: one cause, one cure.
Pictured above from left to right: Donna O’Brien, Patricia Morrow, Paula Morgan, Lindsay Higgins, Tricia Appleby
The pink shirts are specific to today, but the jeans are a reoccurring theme in the office on Fridays. Every Friday, employees have the opportunity to wear jeans for a $5.00 donation, which will be pooled to support a local or national charity.
We’re proud to have supported the following causes with our jean donations so far in 2012:
- $500.00 to Crime Victims Treatment Center – St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital
- $375.00 to Local Heroes’ – Packages for our Troops Overseas
- $500.00 to the Malden Senior Center – Wakefield Retired Men’s Club Band
- $TBD to Lee National Denim Day – Breast Cancer
We wish all the very best to those of you who’ve been touched directly or indirectly by cancer. Here’s to discovering new ways to prevent, find, and cure breast cancer.