News & Blog

Hey Chelsea! Meet Hardware Products Co.
We’re quick to announce and welcome new clients to the Combined Properties family when a company signs a new lease, or to recognize our existing

CorePower Yoga Coming to Medford
We’re excited to announce that CorePower Yoga is coming to 312 Mystic Avenue in Medford. To learn more about the yoga studio, visit CorePower’s website.

Centennial Park – Lodging News
One of the major features that makes Centennial Park so appealing for office and R&D users is its outstanding location and proximity to area amenities.

NECN Airs Segment on The Accessible Icon Project
This morning NECN, the New England Cable Network, aired a piece about Triangle, Inc. and The Accessible Icon Project. The initiative—which continues to gain momentum

MedfordWorks it for the Camera
Combined Properties is in the process of developing a website called MedfordWorks as a sister site to our already existing PeabodyWorks, ChelseaWorks, and MaldenWorks websites.

Combined Properties Springs to Adopt New Accessible Icon
Each year, spring means beautifully budding trees, blossoming flowers, comfortable temperatures, and a welcome end to what most would consider a winter that was too

Converge Renews 72,288 SF in Peabody
Combined Properties, Inc. is pleased to announce that Converge has renewed its 72,288 square foot lease at 4 Technology Drive, a first-class office/R&D building in

Take a Tour of LUVA Hair and Day Spa
Upon entry to the new salon at 379 Main Street in Malden, LUVA Hair and Day Spa’s guests are greeted into a bright reception area

Got Plans Tomorrow Night? We Do!
We’re looking forward to Mystic Valley Elder Services’s annual theatre event tomorrow night at the Stoneham Theatre! This event benefits MVES’s Gap Fund, a $1

Eighteen Years & Counting on Mystic Ave.
Combined Properties is pleased to announce that Nasson, Hoban, & Jesson LLP has renewed its lease at 278 Mystic Avenue in Medford. The law office